Take control of your career and your Executive Coaching and Career Coaching
As an executive coach and career coach, I own the process, tools (70+ at the last count and still growing) and techniques and you own your challenge. Working together, we will get to the root of the issue at hand and plan your next steps, helping you to make the commitment necessary to move forward.
There are many reasons why an individual will seek Career Coaching
For example:
- Accelerate career progression
- Make a career transition
- Take control of a challenging issue
- Interview coaching – your competition is strong and using an executive coach!
- Early Career Stage (22-30 years old) Career Pathway Coaching
- Explore different options and gain new perspectives
- Achieve clarity on an issue of importance
- Set goals and take action
- Learn more about who you are as a leader
- Explore your leadership style and how you impact others
- Plan your legacy as you approach retirement
- Manage stress
- Cope with redundancy
- Prepare for a return to work after extended leave
- Receive support as a working parent
Or Executive Coaching…
I deliver bespoke 1-to-1 Executive Coaching services to executives. This coaching is confidential (between you and I) and allows you to work on weaknesses that may be holding you back or, perhaps, to support you during a period of change. Some executives just need a sounding board and neutral party to bounce ideas off or to acquire experienced advice. The advantage is that given it is completely confidential your company will not be aware of you addressing areas that need work in case this could be used as an excuse to penalise you and neither will your internal competition (never let them know!).
- Support new and emerging leaders as they transition into leadership and senior leadership position
- Psychometric analysis (Lumina Spark)
- Help manage complex stakeholder relationships
- Work with individuals on key areas of challenge, such as building confidence and enhancing communication skills
- Support the on-boarding of mid/senior executives as they tackle their first 90 days
- To assist during the restructuring of teams
- Support returning to work after maternity leave
- Support an Executive moving to an overseas role
- For those exiting the organisation, I provide bespoke outplacement career and executive coaching support tailored for each individual (as opposed to a generic off the shelf solution)
Executive Well-Being Coaching
2020 was been a very challenging time for many people and I have certainly seen a range of reactions and issues from those that I coach regarding this including, but not limited to, the following:
- Anxiety about lower perceived performance due to reduced visibility from home-working
- Anxiety about the return to work
- Fear over loss of flexibility and newly acquire work/life balance
- Difficultly leading and managing change remotely
- Reduced ability to drive creativity and innovation
- Feelings of isolation
- Low mood and self-motivation
- Declining team spirit and morale due to lack of social contact
- Anxiety over recent mergers and/or acquisitions
- Insecurity and fear about potential job loss
- Eroded confidence in capabilities
I also deliver…
Lumina Spark Psychometric Analysis
Lumina Spark is the next generation of professional development tools supporting individuals, teams and organisations to work more effectively and improve the bottom line. It is unique amongst psychometric tools because it avoids any stereotyping unlike traditional tests (MBTI, DISC, NEO) as it doesn’t pigeon-hole you into a personality ‘type’. Instead, it helps you to understand your traits and preferences and how these manifest at work, and in your relationships with others. It also helps you to understand how you act and react when under stress so you can draw upon tools and techniques to bring yourself back into composure and retain effectiveness. It provides a highly interactive colourful framework for better self-understanding and helps people identify how to improve their working relationships with others. By applying the Lumina Spark model, learners unlock multiple business benefits.

The Lumina Spark is based on the latest Big 5 research paradigm and can also be viewed through the Jungian lens. It does not report on anything that is not specifically measured. Lumina Spark consists of 10 measures and therefore offers a richer interpretation of your personality, preferences and traits compared to other traditional measures (see below) such as Big 5/OCEAN tools which include the NEO and Insights. Tools like Myers-Briggs (MBTI) are dated and put you in a box which is incredibly limiting. For example, Myers-Briggs may tell you are introverted and therefore you are boxed in as an introvert. In reality, you may only be an introvert 60% of the time and, in fact, an extrovert the rest. However, the extrovert in you is lost and you are labelled an introvert and so you walk around telling yourself and everyone else you are an introvert.
That is why I work with Lumina because it provides insight without putting you in a box and, with reference to the three personas, it offers a holistic analysis. I was trained at Henley Business School.
The benefits of Lumina Spark vs older dated models:
Jungian – 4 measures: Intuition or Sensing / Judging or Perceiving / Introversion or Extroversion / Feeling or Thinking
Big 5/OCEAN – 5 measures: Open to Experience / Conscientious / Extraversion / Agreeableness / Neuroticism
Lumina Spark – 10 measures: Big Picture Thinking and Down to Earth / Discipline Driven and Inspiration Driven / Extroverted and Introverted / People Focused and Outcome Focused / Risk Reactor and Reward Reactor
If you are interested in this Executive Coaching service the total price is £400, this includes the online test, a full colour, 40 page report and pdf of your results, workbook, Apple/Google app and a 90-minute executive coaching session to work through the findings.

Working with me means you will also get access to your Lumina Spark profile via the excellent iPhone or Android app so that you can always instantly reference it.

Download an Example Lumina Spark Full Report Here
Off-The-Shelf Executive Coaching Programmes
This is a list of my Executive Career Coaching programmes I currently teach to individuals or groups. Each subject area will be the focus of one 90 minutes session (£275 per session). This means clients can pick ‘n mix any number of subject areas that are important to them and this approach allows them to stay in control of their Executive Career Coaching. They are tailored according to client requirements. I can also create custom programmes with degree level content (phone for more information):
Subject Areas (each session 90 minutes)
- Assertiveness in Action
- Attention Skills
- Building Relationships
- Bullying & Harassment Prevention
- Communicating Difficult Messages
- Communication Skills
- Change Management
- Change Leadership
- Creative Thinking
- Critical Thinking
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Dealing with Anxiety
- Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace
- Dealing with Stress
- Decision Making Skills
- Diversity in the Workplace
- Emotional Intelligence
- Facilitation Skills
- Generating Leads For Your Organization
- Hiring ‘Fret For Your Latte’ Generation Z / Millennials and Managing The Entitlement Culture
- How To Be More Organized & Efficient
- Influencing Others
- Instructional Design
- Interpersonal Skills
- Leadership Skills
- Leadership for Female Executives
- Leading Meetings
- Management Skills
- Managing Upwards
- Marketing Strategies
- Mindfulness
- Motivation
- Negotiation Skills
- Networking Skills
- New Manager Training
- Occupational Psychology
- Participating in Meetings
- Planning for Change
- Positive Thinking
- Presentation Skills
- Problem Solving
- Productivity
- Project Management Skills
- Public Speaking Skills
- Questioning Skills
- Risk Management
- Self Awareness
- Self Confidence
- Stakeholder Management
- Strategic Thinking
- Talent Management
- Team Building & Management
- Telephone Skills – Cold Calling For a Job
- The Art & Science of Setting Goals
- Time Management
- Wellness
- Work Ethics
- Or a Bespoke Executive Coaching Service – tailored according to client requirements
The 7 steps to doing Great Things
I will explain the following on our pre-coaching phone call so that you have a very good idea of what is involved with my Executive Coaching and what will be expected of you (sorry, you are going to have to work!).
- Book a no obligation pre-coaching phone call or meeting (City office ***NEW ADDRESS AS OF 1st May 2024***: at Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7BB and 6 minutes (550 metres walk) from the Liverpool Street tube station (using the Old Broad Street exit) and 10 minutes from Moorgate tube station). If you are coming from Liverpool Street it’s a straight line if you walk down Devonshire Row. ) with me. Over 30 minutes you will tell me about yourself, I will ask some questions, you will ask me questions, and then I will tell you about myself and what I think I can (or can not) do for you. After the call I will send you some information. You then decide whether you wish to proceed. If yes, then great (proceed to point 2), if no, your email and phone number are deleted and you will never hear from me again.
- If you choose to proceed we will arrange where you wish to have coaching (week days at my City office, Beaufort House 15 St Botolph Street, your office or via Skype and you will be sent some homework (sorry!) in preparation for…
- … a 90 minute Introductory session – In this session we will assess the areas that we need to work on and agree the best approach. Your executive or career coaching starts here! Do not be put off by the word ‘introductory’ because this is an important meeting and you will definitely benefit from having it even if you choose not to continue. In fact, for those that have simply lost their way and just require a reset of direction a couple of sessions is all they need. That is why I do not lock clients in to x number of sessions. Sometimes one session is all you need to get back on track. Executive and Career coaching should be accessible. For others it does take more work to get you back on track so this meeting allows you, if appropriate, to choose a…
- …Bespoke Executive or Career Coaching Programme tailored for you – We will co-create a programme for your career development, with each session targeting an area we need to address and tailored specifically to you (see subject areas above). Every person is different and so is every coaching programme I create – I do not believe in a ‘one-size fits all’ approach. Coaching should be accessible and most importantly transparent. You will see exactly what areas will be addressed in each session and what the outcome and goals are. There will be a lot of homework (are you seeing a trend?). When you come to see me we do not just sit down for a nice chat and then go our separate ways until next time. You are paying me to coach you and to help you achieve your goals and objectives and this is going to require work from you. If you do not do the homework and reflection at home and only in our meetings it just takes us longer as we have more meetings and this costs you more money which is bad!
- Schedule – You are in total control and can choose how, when and how much coaching you want to receive. You are not locked-in and can pay for a package of 3 or 5 sessions or pay-as-you-go, I really do not mind. What is important is we fix your career and you get value for your money. That is my job.
- Access to my Tool Kit – Coaching does not stop when you leave the office. You will have access to my 70+ coaching tools, psychometric testing, 360 review resources, relevant articles, teachings or anything else my experience thinks may be helpful. Do not be surprised if you get emails (generally late at night) from me highlighting something you will find interesting, or some more homework that gives you food for thought.
- You achieve your goals. See! You can do great things!
Enquire today via email enquiries@nicolasimpson.coach or book a FREE NO OBLIGATION pre-coaching call using the booking form below selecting a day and time slot that works for you. Leave as much or as little detail as you feel comfortable, but, I want you to know you are totally protected by my Privacy Policy. Make the first step for positive change and book a time. It is really easy and you will have just made your first positive move towards real change. I will do the rest.
You can do great things!