Nicola Simpson London Executive, Career, Wellbeing / Wellness and Interview Coach
This is my homepage and thanks for coming here (again?). It has a lot of text (sorry), but, I really want you to have all the important information you need if you are thinking about Executive, Career, Wellbeing / Wellness, Outplacement or Business Coaching on the first page you visit. I operate an on demand Executive, Career, Interview, Outplacement and Wellbeing / Wellness Coaching model that is both transparent and flexible. I am not interested in locking people into committing to loads of sessions they do not need hence my Pay as You Go model. I am also a marketing consultant who specialises in trouble shooting marketing disasters and marketing for entrepreneurs (see Pricing for details). If this is not your first visit here and you are still thinking about it know that you have nothing to lose by having a free 30 minute call/video or meeting. Furthermore, if you do end up engaging in coaching (whether one session or a small package) know that as long as you put the work in (that’s on you) you will achieve the required results and more importantly FEEL BETTER! You are not the first person in your current situation and you will not be the last. It is what you do next that counts. So here goes…
“You’ve been a lifesaver in providing targeted and structured support and so thank you”
“I found our conversation really helpful so just wanted to reach out to thank you for your time and genuine care and interest in my next career move. You really helped me to crystallise my ideas and your advice and kind words gave me the encouragement I needed, so thank you!”
Don’t Worry… I Can Help You!
Whatever reason brought you here today – whether you are seeking to take control of an immediate problem or challenge you may be facing, or wishing to engage an executive coach or a career coach to support your ongoing professional development I can help you. I coach executives at all levels of their professional career and see many executives from a range of sectors, including Investment Banking, Finance, Insurance, Legal (from Barristers, GCs to recently qualified), Big 4, Technology, Media, Marketing, Engineers, Civil Service, NHS, Military (Serving/Ex), Fashion/Creatives, Arts & Entertainment, NGO/Charities, pre-maternity or post- maternity and even Mediums! I regularly meet new business entrepreneurs, those doing (or considering) an MBA and board directors, business leaders or just someone who wants to sort their career out. I am also happy to work with graduates, and if I do, I expect you to WORK and be 100% committed!. However, just because your career is not listed here does not mean I cannot help you. Quite the opposite. Executive and Career Coaching is my skill and that allows me to employ complete neutrality i.e. I am not biased because I have worked in the same industry as you and this is why I see clients from a broad eclectic range of sectors. I offer a different perspective to those who claim to specialise in a particular sector especially if it is a career change you are looking for. The most important thing I want you to know is that I am here and ready to help. You can do great things!
Executive, Wellbeing / Wellness and Career Coaching
“Our last coaching session was really a turning point for me, thank you”
See my Corporate, Pricing and Case Studies pages for more details.
- London: Face to Face at my permanent City of London office (remote optional)
- Rest of UK: Teams / Zoom / Skype / WhatsApp and FaceTime
- New York, EU, Middle East, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore (and everywhere in between!): Teams / Zoom / Skype / WhatsApp and FaceTime
- Technology is a beautiful thing. Now it does not matter where you are in the world because we can still work together. All we need is a phone, tablet or computer. International coaching, for me, started with people I worked with referring me to their friends and family and before I knew I was working with people 1,000’s of miles away. Executive Career Coaching is perfect for today’s modern communication technology as it is a conversation augmented with work sent to and fro by email. As a result, the international business has grown and I now give Google a lot of money every month to advertise exclusively in London, New York, EU, Middle East, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore which is why you are here. And, which is why I am here. My Executive Career Coaching model works really well with these places and is proven. We don’t need to be in the same room to work together. If you have friends or family in London by all means ask them to pop round and kick the tyres. Maybe they want Executive Career Coaching too! There is no risk and only upside. I trained as an Executive Coach at Henley Business School, invoices are sent via Square (which has conflict resolution and you are only invoiced in advance per session anyway) and I have a permanent office in the City of London (you can find me on Google Maps). I AM REAL! There are no borders anymore. Countries I have coached clients situated in so far: Australia, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Congo, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Mexico, Morocco, Northern Ireland, Oman, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, UAE and Dubai, USA and Wales. Now you can choose the best Executive Career Coach for you regardless of where you are in the world. You can do great things!
“I feel like a whole new person. Our sessions gave me the confidence to take on this position and use it to really think about my strengths and ambitions. I’ve rediscovered my love of my career, confidence in my abilities and the importance of company culture to me. It’s wonderful to enjoy what I do again.”

Career Coaching
- Highly focused Career Change and Career Acceleration sessions that will answer the three following questions over 3-5 sessions (3 if you put the work in at home and 5 at the most). I am not interested in creating separate expensive packages for career planning and finding a new direction. If you need both, they should be done together. And, you definitely do not need 9+ sessions for that!
- Where am I now?
- Where do I want to be?
- How am I going to get there?
- Mastering Interview Coaching – your competition is strong and using an executive coach! – Click here for more details
- Master the Amazon 14 Leadership Principles Interview Coaching for the dream Amazon job! This is probably the hardest interview process I know of. It is brutal and if you have not mastered the 14 Leadership Principles for the Amazon one day eight interviews process you do not stand a chance in hell. You will fail. Seriously, save yourself time if you are not being coached. It is very complicated and, to be blunt, if you are not coached for this process there is no point even turning up.
“The Amazon interview I was preparing for went really well, not least I’m sure because I was able to practice and refine my techniques with you – and of course calm my nerves! I was offered the job a couple of days ago so am over the moon of course. Thank you!”
- Outplacement Coaching – Larger outplacement companies treat you like a number. I will treat you like a human being. See my outplacement packages that start from £500 here.
- Turn that business idea you have always had into a business with Business Coaching – Click here for more details
- Career acceleration and promotion objectives
- Turn Impostor into Imposing – Say goodbye to impostor syndrome
- Help you achieve your goals
- Manage career change. Why do a job you hate? Do one you love!
- Early Career Stage (22-30 years old) Career Pathway Coaching
- Building Brand YOU!
- Millennials Career Coaching… Guess what? It is actually exactly the same career coaching as anyone else. I don’t see why you should be treated differently just because you were born in ’80s or ’90s and when the music was better!
- Building a portfolio career
- Coping with stressful work environments or redundancy
- Total confidence recovery
- Take back control. It is your life and your career
- Getting back to work
- Post maternity leave
Executive Wellbeing / Wellness Coaching
The pandemic lock down years were horrific. The impact to mental health terrible. It was an incredibly challenging time for many people. Many have not recovered. As a result, I still see a range of reactions and issues from clients that I coach regarding this including, but not limited to, the following:
- Anxiety about lower perceived performance due to reduced visibility from home-working
- Anxiety about the return to work
- Fear over loss of flexibility and newly acquired work/life balance
- Difficultly leading and managing change remotely
- Reduced ability to drive creativity and innovation
- Feelings of isolation
- Low mood and self-motivation
- Declining team spirit and morale due to lack of social contact
- Anxiety over recent mergers and/or acquisitions
- Insecurity and fear about potential job loss
- Eroded confidence in capabilities
- Executive Alcohol Management Strategy
Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching – Either Bespoke and ongoing 1-to-1 Executive Career Coaching or choose from over 50 off-the-shelf subject areas (each 90 minute session is further tailored to the individual or group). I am also trained in providing Lumina Spark Psychometric analysis. Click here for more details

Why work with me?
My coaching approach is grounded in business and management and honed through many years of working with executives of all levels and Board Directors. I have not come to work as an executive coach through a traditional background in HR or Psychotherapy who typically can only offer a generic coaching by numbers experience; I have extensive professional experience and continue to work in business consultancy alongside coaching. I understand your professional context and your challenges. This means I can employ both career coach and mentoring skills to achieve your objectives. It is this hybrid of career coaching and mentoring that differentiates my approach to other more generic career coaches.
I am highly educated with three degrees including: a BA (Hons) Business Studies, MA Marketing and an MSc Management and Business Studies Research. In my experience executives want to speak to someone their level who has a strong industry and educated background. I trained as an Executive Coach at Henley Business School (the Henley Professional Certificate in Coaching is accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), Association for Coaching (AC) and the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC)). I work with executives from all business backgrounds as a coach and as a professional confidant (it can be lonely at the top!). And, this is why you would choose me. I also augment my coaching skills with my marketing experience both academically and business proven so that you achieve your objective. Life is marketing (selling you) and we all need those skills whether it is how you present yourself at an important meeting, what you say in an interview or the narrative you build around an unhappy exit etc. It all comes back to marketing and the great thing is that it is never too late to learn this skill. It is easy. This time we are marketing YOU!
I run a successful coaching practice and I am a resident coach for Warwick Business School Executive MBA (EMBA) students. I also consult for the Institute of Directors, where I am driving innovation and c-suite product development as well as a part time associate lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London (a Russell Group university) where I teach marketing to undergraduates. My business is fully insured, registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and based in the City of London.
You can do great things!… but, you will have to work!
Yes, it involves lots of homework! We are dealing with your career and your future after all. You didn’t think we were just going to sit down and have a nice chat every so often and then everything will miraculously resolve itself did you? You will be set tasks and required to reflect on the work that we do together. If you do the work and reflection at home results will be quicker. Simple as that. If you only do the work and reflect in our meetings it takes you longer and is less efficient. While I would be delighted to have more meetings I would rather we achieve your objectives as soon as possible. So, if you are committed the results are faster. Most clients only require 3-5 sessions because they put the after hours work in, hence my flexible model. You are a clever person. You do not need me to pad out the coaching journey with extra pointless sessions just so I can be in the room while you do the work as others do. Do it at home and save time and money! I have never needed 10 sessions and nor should you!
Just know that I will be there to support and help you all the way and for as long as we share this journey together. This is my promise to you. You can do Great Things! And, you will.
Flexible pricing and no 3 to 6 months lock in!
There is no 3 to 6 months lock in, unlike many other coaches I operate a flexible model, this means that you are in control of what coaching you receive and when you receive it. I operate this model because I really believe coaching should be accessible and transparent for all. Working with me means that you will not buy sessions you do not need, e.g. most of my clients require only 3-5 sessions (if that) to redirect, recover or reinvent with occasional, ad hoc sessions thereafter, as and when at their discretion.
Because you are not paying for 9+ sessions in advance the onus is on you to do the work and book sessions when you are ready. Taking back control of your career starts with you taking control of your coaching.
Book a free pre-coaching call or meeting. You can do great things!
You got this far! So, you are already thinking about coaching and choosing the right coach for you is very important. You should know that I operate a two-step process, this means that prior to booking we would schedule a FREE NO OBLIGATION pre-coaching 30 minute call or you can pop in for a chat by appointment if you are nearby to determine the ‘goodness of fit’ of my coaching style with your needs.
City office ***NEW ADDRESS AS OF 1st May 2024***: at Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7BB and 6 minutes (550 metres walk) from the Liverpool Street tube station (using the Old Broad Street exit) and 10 minutes from Moorgate tube station). If you are coming from Liverpool Street it’s a straight line if you walk down Devonshire Row.
Enquire today via email enquiries@nicolasimpson.coach, telephone (0203) 916 0121 or book a FREE NO OBLIGATION pre-coaching call, meeting or Zoom/Teams/Skype or WhatsApp video using the booking form below selecting a day and time slot that works for you (please state if you would prefer a meeting in the booking form). If none of the slots are convenient please email and I will try and slot you in between one of my coaching sessions. If you are booking from EU, Middle East, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore or Taiwan please state in the email the time zone you are booking for (thanks!). The more information you leave the more it helps, and, I want you to know you are totally protected by my Privacy Policy. Make the first step for positive change and book a time. It is really easy and I will do the rest.
Please note that I reply to EVERY email. If you have not received a reply please check your spam folder and mark my email as ‘not spam’ because it really isn’t! Thanks!!!
You can do great things!